I do a great Cosby Impersonation (when drunk)

slug by mosstheo On 2/24/2011 12:48:00 AM
I would like to talk to youuuuuu ..about some of the things you do in the show! My wife Camilllllllle and my son Ennis got the stuff and see the people know about the thing that you gott ta dooo,maaaaaaaaaaahhhhaaaaaaaaaaaa.........................Christmas sweaters.

Jelllloo in the pudding, with the jellooo insiiiiide of the pudding is where you got your jello, you see!

Well you see the problum with the people is they dont know the differennnnce...see cuz its about the kidds. Its the kids ...and my brother russell, he was younger you see and he started the flarn flap with the flifth and the flarn. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmummm............


1 Response to 'I do a great Cosby Impersonation (when drunk)'

  1. PZOW! said...
    https://sluglist.blogspot.com/2011/02/i-do-great-cosby-impersonation-when.html?showComment=1298605064675#c8286691069337310118'> February 24, 2011 at 7:37 PM

    can i double-like this? and laugh uncontrollably?
    thnkx plz


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