Cutest baby animal.

slug by mosstheo On 2/24/2011 12:26:00 AM
Ok so we've been posting a lot of animals lately which got me thinking. What is the cutest baby animal? So heres a few of my favs.

Who doesn't love puppies...

Ok. This is pretty adorable.

Baby toad? Ohhhhh wait that's a kitten. Lolz.

Ok here's a real baby toad. Points for size.

Baby polar bear..rarrr.

Oh. Myy. Goooodnesss. That's ridiculous, Come On!

Whoo is that? Pretty cute..

Oh man...I just hope he doesn't get all gassy. (teehee)

Clumsy baby hippo...ok!

Baby lambs!

More baby lambs...oh wait that's Katelyn. Sneaky! Dumbass baby.

Oh Come On! Heeeeyyy buuuud!

Oh. My. Gosh...he's a tiny fluff ball!!!

Mr. Long ears! Lolz.

Game over. Duh...pssh


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