Abe Lincoln: Emo or Steampunk

slug by mosstheo On 2/15/2011 06:35:00 PM
I used to think Abe Lincoln was hella hipster/emo. You know slicked down to the side hair and scraggly beard and not to mention bi polar disorder, sound familiar? Just look at the 5 dollar bill, his most famous portrait, and you'll see what I mean. So then I found all these $5 bills that people tagged up by some dude name Joe D..? to look like other famous counter culture icons and thought ok that's great.

And then one day I stumbled upon the holy Grail. Yeah steampunk Abe Lincoln.

I mean with his progressive agenda and access to the most advanced technology in the world (his advancements in rail and morris code are the reason why the union won the civil war) he kinda was the epitome of steampunk. For a short description of steampunk click here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steampunk

So if Lincoln really was steampunk what would he look like? Do you think he had access to new technologies that never were released to the public? Is it possible that he actually had a steam powered watch? Or a car? Could he have rocked a monocle? Maybe we'll never know.

1 Response to 'Abe Lincoln: Emo or Steampunk'

  1. Lumplestiltskin said...
    https://sluglist.blogspot.com/2011/02/abe-lincoln-emo-or-steampunk_15.html?showComment=1297831329164#c3246667797183459349'> February 15, 2011 at 8:42 PM



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